Storm Glass by Maria V. Snyder

There comes a time when I need to step back from the book or books that I am currently reading and begin another story entirely. I have learned that by doing this I do not get burned out as fast reading wise. This particular book was a perfect buffer for my current selection.
This story is beautiful and well-written and had some wonderful characters in it. It also had an underlying sense of foreboding behind it that just made me love it even more. I adore the feeling of mistrust when reading, because it tells me something is definitely going to happen, something most likely involving treachery. One thing I wasn't a fan of, however, was the main character's cowardice. It just kind of bugged me that she was so willing to give information to the bad guys. I mean, I definitely understand why she did, being tortured and all, but it just irked me. It did help that she acknowledged she was this way, and was sorry for it, but not by much.
Other than that, though, and the sudden abruptness of the ending, there was really nothing wrong with this book. The plot was strong and had great direction and everything fit together well. This is the start of a series that I know I am going to love reading, and possibly the start of me reading every other book in this author's repertoire.