Ghost Heart by Ripley Patton

I want to start by saying that Ripley Patton does a beautiful job of reminding readers what happened in the book before this one (Book 2, Ghost Hold) without giving away the plot to those that may not have read the second book. Obviously you would have to be crazy to not have read the second book before this one, because so much happened in it that is very VERY important for this one. Such as (insert incoherent mumbles here). What? Did you think I would give stuff away? I am not that kind of girl...
On that note, I have decided that I am going to start a support group for readers who have a tendency to read ahead, aka skimming pages or turning to the back of the book just to make sure a character doesn't die or something (that is how I ruined the seventh Harry Potter book for myself). It is a very terrible disease and can make your life a living nightmare! Or at least take all the fun out of reading. I shall call it PA. Peekers Anonymous. Comment if you have a better name. You can tell I have actually thought about this long and hard. So anyway, the whole point of saying this was because that is exactly what I wanted to do throughout this entire book. I had to know what was going to happen. I had to know if I could trust people or if my gut was right about there being a rat in our midst. I have to admit that I did turn to the last few pages while I was still in the beginning of the book, but thankfully I had my eyes squinted enough that I saw nothing. And I am glad I did, because like I said, it would have made the journey to the ending less stressful and I hate when I can't stress over a book. It makes me feel so alive and the story so much more readable.
This particular book in the series has a different format to it than the past two. Instead of having only Olivia's point of view, due to the characters being separated we are allowed both Marcus's and Passion's points of view as well. These three different characters allow us to gain a well rounded view of the story just as we get in the other two, but it also allows us to see characters we have gotten to know in a whole new light. We get to experience their feelings, thoughts, and in Marcus's case, what with his most recent dying experience and the repercussions of that, old wounds being reopened as if they were never closed in the first place.
I literally want to bang my forehead against a wall or something like it due to the fact that the fourth book won't come out until next year. I am in love with this series, these characters, and the whole PSS idea. This is definitely a remarkable series that will have a special place in my heart, and most especially this particular installment.